NECHEAR has been on the forefront of bringing progressive CI services to CT since 1999. Our excellent working relationship with CI centers throughout New England gives parents/adults many options to chose from. As a rehabilitation center, we have an established protocol allowing for follow-up services to be executed on site after the surgery, including full rehabilitative MAPPING and intensive aural (re)habilitation services. Our Rehabiliation staff participates in the MAPPING sessions, allowing for all speech and listening concerns to be addressed effectively.
- Cochlear Implant Support
- Candidacy evaluations
- Device programming
- Cochlear Implant Therapy
- School consultations
MAPping for optimum speech perception
- multiple MAPs generated for comparison
- speech perception measured for each MAP
- optimum MAP determined
- parent/provider participation in MAPping process
- summary of MAP(s) given to parent/school
- summary of MAP(s) given to primary implant center
- Cochlear Implant Therapy
- Auditory-verbal approach to language learning
- Parental involvement in sessions
- Objectives coordinated with school
- provider participates in MAPping sessions
Family Support
- Family involvement in all aspects of diagnosis and treatment
- Parent networking